Do I have to wake up?

My Grandpa Sheets (dad's dad) made these for when I was born:

Me and dad on a Saturday morning:

Me and my Grandpa Taulbee (mom's dad) and visiting Grandma and Grandpa Taulbee's house:

My cute tennis shoes:

Ready for my first day at church: (mom and dad thought my bow was a little dorky so it came off before we got in the door to church)

Hanging out with dad:

Just waking up...stretch!

Doing what I do best!

Meeting my Great Uncle Mark (mom's uncle):

Me and my Great-Grandma Rohde (mom's grandma) and my "cousin" Nina:

Me and Great-Grandma Sheets (dad's Grandma):

Great-Grandpa Rohde (mom's Grandpa): (Do you think I have his hands?)

Don't make fun of my acne! (finally something to wear other than pink!)

Mom finally captured a smile!

more coming soon...
You my dear are just Precious!!!!
- Christina
We love the hands picture!
She is so stinking cute! Hopefully she's not stinkin' too much teeheee
Jacob made me post a comment!
You are such a blessing and joy to us. . . our precious Reagan Joy.
Rest and grow strong in your parents loving care and in the arms of your heavenly Father.
I love you so much.
. . . But it is still a bit unnerving to be called Grandma Lattos!
You are the cutest! Looks like you're having fun hanging out with the fam. Keep up the good work -- you know, sleeping, smiling, growing, and being adorable! You're doing great!
All I can say is WOW this is my granddaughter! Couldn't be more proud you. Not only are you beautiful, but you are very, very smart too.
Reagan, you have become the wallpaper and screen saver on all my computers. Bet you can't tell grandpa is proud of you.
Grandpa T
Dear Esther, Brock and also Reagan Joy,
What a sweet blessing to see pictures of Reagan, even if we can't have her in our own arms to hold and love on - yet!
She is absolutely adorable!!!! I pray no one thinks I'm sick, when I say, she looks 'munchable'!!!
I love seeing her preciousness!
Grandpa David Sheets made the announcements! I am so impressed with the degree of interest that, that MAN has taken in his grandchild (girl)! WAY to Go Grandpa David!!!! I applaud your love, your interest and your creativity! Reagan will certainly know well that she is loved by her grandparents!!!
Continued prayers for you all!
With much love,
Aunt Sally Sheets
You tricked me! I didn't know I should check here for pictures. You are so cute Reagan. Glad you are getting sleep through the night.
Pictures are too cute! Tell Mom and Dad to please keep 'em coming!
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