My dedication was awesome! Pretty much all my immediate (immediately extended) family was there! My three Grandmas, three Grandpas, FOUR Great Grandmas, two Great Grandpas, six aunts (missing my aunties Bethany, Ali, Joy and Charity), one uncle (missing my uncle Michael), my mom and dad (of course)... Happy Mother's Day to them all! (not the boys though or those who aren't moms yet)
It was a rare day. I even got to sit through the whole church BIG church!! I didn't even cry or anything! I actually napped a bit, (no offense to Pastor Rick!) We had fun at lunch at my house (nobody would share their roast beef croissant sandwich or carrots with me) but I did get to taste my cake! yummy! (but all I really wanted was my binky).
Here is everyone... Great Granny and Gramps Rohde were in the seats though, Gramps is in a wheelchair... I would have built him a ramp if they would have let me!

Daddy prayed.

Dad sang and Grandpa Sheets directed the choir. (not for me, but I like to think so)

I looove my Grandpa Taulbee (mom's dad) He's big and cozy!

Grandma and Grandpa Taulbee, Great-Grandma Taulbee, and Aunt Dana and Grace. (Auntie Grace is being silly! She's a hottie...and single...any takers?)

Mama Bea and Grandma Lattos

Grandpa Lattos and Grandpa Sheets

My cake, the verse is:
The everlasting God is your place of safety, and His arms will hold you up forever.-Deuteronomy 33:27
Carol, our pastor's wife, got that verse from God while I was in NICU the first couple days after I got here. Mom and Dad picked that for my life verse...I like it.

Mommy and her three sisters...and me!

My beautiful Aunt Katherine! I love her! She takes care of me on Tuesday nights so mom and dad can go to their Young Marrieds Bible study and she lets us borrow all her DVDs.

and my pretty Aunt Jessica (she calls me Ray Ray)

Great Gramps and Granny Rohde

Four generations! So cool!

Another four generations! (I'm not happy... well, three Sheets men and I'm a girl!)

Grandpa Lattos joined us for a man picture...okay, I'll not cry for one of these, even though I'm the only girl. (I love my daddy and my Grandpas)

I'm getting tired of all the pictures! Okay, just a few more.

Another four generations, times three! (Daddy and Grandpa Sheets are missing to make the chain)

Now I'm starting to not like being passed around.

My pretty dedication dress (and mom's foot)

I didn't wear the bonnet that matched my dress, maybe I should have!

I'm a colonial baby!

Great Grandpa Sheets got these three pictures... he takes great pictures!

Mom tried to throw me over the bannister... well, okay, she's just showing me off.

Mommy and Daddy...I'm done with this dress!

This is what I say to any more pictures..