Thursday, July 12, 2007

Update and a GREAT reason why this post was delayed

Okay, so mom has a REALLY good reason why she hasn't posted in a while...(even though we promised)
Here it is:

Yes, I will have a brother or sister early next year! Due February 2nd, 2008!
Mom has been really sick for over a month. So hopefully you all will forgive us for not posting until now.

Here are a LOT of pictures from the last couple of months.
watch me grow up before your very eyes (April through July)


Anonymous said...

I've blogged about a lot of things, but I've never pee'd on something and then blogged it. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Reagan,
Your most precious photo that announces this post and demonstrates how you celebrate life reminds me of your Aunt Bethany. Your mom has a photo of Aunt Bethany trying on her wedding dress and she is expressing her joy in much the same way with arms held high above her head and head thrown back smiling. We will try our best as your family to help you continue to be thankful for every moment of your sweet life. We pledge our love and support to your little brother/sister too.

Bethany said...

Lil'eagan, you're not so 'l' anymore! Can't wait to see your scrunchy face in October. Quit your growing until we're all together, will ya?