This is my pretty dress from my Grandma Sheets (Mama Bea)
I wore it for a giant portrait mom and dad got taken of me for free. It is a 16x20 HUGE! They don't know where they are going to put the "poster" but I think it should be right in the entry way as you walk in the front door, so everyone can see it!
Anyway, this is also going to be my Easter dress.

This is me not cooperating in getting my picture taken in this pretty dress.

I love my beenie!

I know this is a little gross but mom and dad thought it was really impressive that I threw up (on mom's shoulder of course) and then rubbed my face in it for a while before they even this is how I looked letting them know I was done playing in it.

I tried to houdinie my way out of my pj's...only got so far.

Smiling for the camara


This is strange... I have control over this thing that has been smacking me in the face for three months? It's mine? Wooaaaahhhhh....look at it move when I tell it to...I'm trying to use it to get things into my mouth.

Mom is trying to whisper something in my ear, but I can't hear over my yelling...(I'm trying to tell them what is in my diaper...and that I don't want it there!)

I LOOOVE my activity mat and my friend Star

Mom says this is me passing a gas bubble in my sleep...zzzzz.... (she is happy to catch me smiling...even if it is just a dream...or gas!)

Me and Grandma Lattos (mom's mom) taking a nap.

Here is the beautiful sunset accross the street from my Grandma and Grandpa Lattos' house... mom and I watched it together yesterday.

Smiles for mommy waking up this morning