Okay, so I've made it out. Yikes!! What a trip. It was not an easy one for me or my mom. All the details of my crazy "trip" are on my dad's blog www.brocksheets.blogspot.com, so I won't bore you with it all over again.
Here are my mom and dad as I was on my way out!
(I think mom is only smiling for the camara...)

Re: updating blogs
We've moved into our new house as of Feb. 1st and I love it, but I did not enjoy moving day, (I made sure everyone knew it too), just too much going on for my liking... mom and dad are really excited to be here though.
Me coming home and moving has made adjusting to life a handful for all of us Sheets' so that is why me and dad are so far behind on our blogs... thanks and appologies to all you truly loyal friends and family who are still checking...
I thought it would be clever to arrive right on schedule...my schedule! (And on my due date...hee hee...surprised you all!)
My stats:
Birthday: January 15th 2006
Measurements: 8lbs. 5ozs. 21in.
I'll tell you one thing, I did not enjoy our hospital stay at all! (I speak for myself, but I know my parents didn't either) I lost count of how many times I was poked and how many tubes and wires they attached to me.
I will show you my very first photographs...now, I'm not very secure about them so don't make fun of my nose piece, (it really made my nostrils bigger than they are...this is why my stay was not too great)

It really did stink not being with my mom and dad for a couple days... at least they didn't poke me and stick tubes in me... and put tape on my body then rip it off!! If I ever find that nurse...
NICU this!!
This is me minus tubes and wires! (Do you see those red marks on my cheeks? Yeah, like I said, if I ever find that nurse...)

Here is the first time mom and dad got to hold me... I was about one day old. (I looove my daddy).

I got to go home after four days and we were all happy. Although, it seemed my mom and dad had no clue what to do with me once I got there, (I know because that is the first thing they said when we got in the door..."now what do we do?")
Life since I've been home has been pretty sweet so far... For me at least, (mom and dad seem awfully tired).
I pretty much get waited on hand and foot...Mom feeds me when I'm hungry, holds me when I freak out, carries me in my sling (which I LOVE by the way..thank you Auntie Bethany!) and my mom's only "lost it" a few times. I don't even have to go to the bathroom...mom and dad (and whoever else offers) just takes care of it for me...right in my "seat"!! Awesome! And I will tell you... I LOOOOOVE taking a bath!
I've been so glad lately to have a new ability... (I taught myself)... I like to stare. Mostly at my mom and dad's faces, but I am loving to stare... now that I can, (it's no fun trying to focus on something and have your eyeballs just cross or wander!) I've also decided to start trying to talk back to my mom and dad's silly voices and goofy expressions...I had to start doing something, I mean they keep putting their faces like an inch from my face. They get so excited when I respond to them, but I'm just doing it little by little.
I will share current pictures as soon as I can... (mom's camara is acting up).
I am feeling and doing great now and I want to personally thank all of you who prayed and are praying for me (and for my parents) through these first five weeks.
I know my parents are forever grateful too.
I kept trying to tell them that I was fine. (I guess they don't understand my language...I need to learn how to speak English)
They couldn't see it with their eyes, but I was in my Father's hands the whole time!
Aren't we all...
Oh - Dear little Reagan girl,
We are all so thankful that you are finally here and HOME (a plus for you to be in now a NEW house too)!
I am sure there are lots and lots of new experiences for you! It is so good that you can now stare and babble a bit! I am sure there are often times when someone is (in amazement) staring at you too! Would LOVE to be there with you having the privilege of holding you (while you enjoy being held), to stare and talk to you too!
Please have work on giving a break to your mother especially; see if you can hold out longer between 'needs' that only she can handle, so she can get her needed rest! Show her you feel for her! Your dad, he will survive, he hasn't gone through 'bearing' and 'delivery' of getting you here!
We LOVE to see and hear all about you! Ask your parents to keep your pictures coming so we can watch you grow!
God bless you dearly precious one! We thank Him for His touch on your life and His healing!
With much love and prayers,
Aunt Sally and Uncle Paul (your dad's)
Reagan, I am so glad you are adjusting well...and hopefully Mom and Dad are adjusting too! You are beautiful! I am so glad you are healthy and thriving.
Reagan, thanks for the post and the perspective from your corner of the world. You've got a lot of people loving you and praying for you . . . including me! You are precious!
Dearest Reagan! We are so glad that you have finally reached out to the world outside your home! We do understand that your parents are loving having you all to themselves, but remind them to share!
When your mom has a chance and her camera is working properly, see if you can get her to take a picture of you in your room! We'd love to see that!
During your first few weeks you certainly have had lots of relatives there to hold you! We hope that we will get that chance one day! Hopefully long before you are too big to hold!
You are loved, Reagan! You are a vital part of this family!
(Hug Mommy and Daddy for us!)
Aunt Judy & Uncle Ken & Cousins
Thanks for updating us on how things went from YOUR persepctive. Glad that you are doing well. Hang in there and keep helping mom and dad adjust ok. Word of advice-I think if you sleep through the night-mom and dad will be SO excited!
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