I hope you enjoy me sharing all about me and if you don't, well, just go back to my dad's blog and leave this one to my Grandparents!
Dig right in!!
This is the first picture of my whole life. I am about 6 weeks old.
(My parents insist on calling me peanut, it's embarrassing!)

I'm about 16 weeks old here. (What the heck is this peanut business about?!)

Here I am, about 18 weeks.
At this photo shoot, the word of the day was VOGUE!
They liked my still shots from 6 and 16 weeks so they decided to give me this once in a lifetime opportunity! I was so excited to show off my new form!!
How do you like my back side shot?

So, yesterday was my 19th week inside this water balloon and earlier this week my mom was freaking out about feeling me move for the first time. HELLO!! I’ve been moving for like 18 weeks!! And today my parents stopped calling me “Peanut” and started calling me “Reagan”. (I think they were taking pictures of my privates…) Perverts!!

23 weeks is bringing a new challenge, I’m getting a bit crowded but I’m cool.

Here is my latest portrait at 32 ½ weeks. The guy taking my picture said something about how chubby my cheeks are… I don’t think that’s funny. You don’t make comments like that about a young girl. (I don’t think they knew I could hear them)
I think I may have a complex…
Does my butt look big?

Here I am from the outside. I’m about 38 weeks and I can barely move now.

It's hard to enjoy too much when your knees are up your nose and my balloon keeps SQUEEEEEZING the life out of me! That is no fun right now considering there is NO WHERE for me to go. I also keep getting my toes caught in these bars and I can't figure out why mom squirms so much when I stick my toes in between them, as if I have anywhere else to put my feet! I can feel my head getting squeezed too. It's sort of stuck in this dark tunnel and I'm afraid of how my head is going to be affected if I leave it here too much longer. I’m thinking about getting out of this place. This tunnel seems to keep going and it looks like the only way out…Believe me I’ve tried every which way! I’m a bit nervous about my coming trip though, it seems like it’s going to be a REALLY tight squeeze.
Oh well. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide to make my trip and where I end up at the end of the tunnel.
I can't imagine what kind of brain can write a post in third person from his future daughter's perspective.
Must be weird genes.
My wife. That's the brain behind this blog. I love it.
Reagan, Your MamaBea cannot wait to get her hands on you. She is praying you will have a safe trip through that tunnel. Please, whatever you do,don't inhale while going through it. Just this one time, go toward the light!!
You two make the rest of us look lazy. You really are thorough. I think I have like 4 belly pictures from my last pregnancy and none of this one, so far! Well can't wait for all of this to go down. It is a little creepy that Reagan has a boyfriend while still in the womb, but after looking at his pictures I understand...he's pretty cute! :)
Love you guys!
Come on, Reagan!!! It's time to hurry out of there!! We're tired of waiting now!
(That was the oddest feeling to sign "Dad" to any type of correspondence.)
We are eagerly awaiting news of your arrival! Hurry! The suspense is killing us! We love you and your mom and Dad!
Your Great Aunt Judy....Wow!
Darling wee Reagan, our great niece,
We are cheering you out! We will be here with all of life, awaiting your welcomed arrival to the place holding and welcoming light from each day and the dark from each turn of night...along with the sweet smells from life on earth and those welcomed smells from your bed sheets, baby blankets and your clean clothing!
Ivory Snow, Baby Magic, and mint are also some of the BEST smells there are this side of heaven!
We are excited to see you, hold you and love on you, right along with your mommy, your daddy, your grandparents, your great grandparents and your aunts and uncles!
Prayers and tons of kisses, dear one!
With much love already,
Great Aunt Sally and Uncle Paul
My dear little grandchild, like all the others, I am, with great anticipation awaiting your arrival. I already have played out a 1000 times our walks to the park, dangling your little feet in the ocean and hearing you squeal in delight. How your tiny little hand and fingers will wrap around my finger as you steady yourself to take your first steps. To survey your every feature, from your beautiful eyes (that I know will melt my heart) to your little arms and toes and the smell of your baby hair and skin. I can't wait to see your smile and hear your small sweet voice. Amazing how I can feel towards you, as I did with your mom when she was your size. I have a life time of hugs and kisses stored up for you, along with the perfect knowledge of how to spoil you rotten.
Your loving grandpa T.
Oh my gosh! You are absolutely the funniest person I have ever met! Brock, I hope Reagan appreciates your humor about her "womb experience" as much as I am, as I sit her laughing aloud by myself!!!!!
Brock, you could seriously write a book!
I wish I could take the credit, but Esther's the one taking care of this page. She ain't doin' too shabby is she??
Pretty hysterical! yet clever! Can't wait for another trip up!
ha ha! it worked!
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