The last few weeks have been rough for my family. A little over a week ago on Sept. 13th we lost a wonderful man. My Grandpa Rohde was one of the most wonderful people you could ever know. I was very close to my Gramps and it is a great loss in my heart. He was taken Home and out of his suffering so peacefully and mercifully (to say the least) about 6:00pm on the 13th. It is so bitter-sweet to have lost him (temporarily), but to know he is whole, in no pain and reaping his rewards with his Savior brings us great joy!!
Thanks to all who have been praying for our family...we need it!
We love you Gramps!!
Now that we've all had a great big cry, on to some really exciting news...

That's right, we're having a boy! Now ask me what we're naming him....NO IDEA!! pray for us!
Here are a couple pictures of our precious little guy at about 20 weeks:

He was chewing like crazy every time we looked at his face...he'll fit right into our family!!
Belly shot: about 4 months (a little larger than with it's not twins!)