So much more has happened, so here are a LOT of pictures to update you (they are not all in chronological save time in posting this post there is also Part 2 still coming in the next post):
First plane ride!

When we got to Virginia, Mama Bea had new clothes for me! Here is me not fitting a size 6 month my pants?

teeny weeny sink!

One of the nights of the reunion we had a chinese dinner. We dressed up!

my pretty kimono

me and dad's cousin Stevan

Piggy back ride with daddy!

my newest cousin Ella...they made us kiss.

Dad's Aunt Judy...I love her, she sang to me.

Judy's daughter Cressalyn, I love her too, she watched me during dinner.

Judy's kids, Kenny, Cressalyn and Nathan

Me and Ella just chillin' (she is two months younger than me)

My first time swimming!
Me and our hats!

me and daddy in the pool...this water tastes funny.

Mommy yelled to NOT dunk me in that waterfall...thanks mom!

I had a LOT of fun with this water spout.

i'm so glad I finally got to use my new bathing suit.

4th of July: Here's me waiting for the fireworks under the protection of my bedding netting...aka: bug net

I learned to drive! in style too, a Navigator!
I took us back to our cabin and only saw a few of the fireworks because of a lighting storm right above us.

uummmmm...this is....something Falls...can't remember, I was staring at dad's feet the whole time, my first time in my new snuggly.

me and dad at the Hard Rock Cafe in DC

mmmmm, fresh sandal for lunch

me and Mama Bea and the Washington Monument in "reflection" at the Vietnam memorial.

dad scaling Washington Monument...he really did it! I saw him! all the way to the top! All 555 feet 5 1/8 inches of it!

me and dad at the Washington Monument

me and mom at the Washington Monument

this is how excited I was at the Washington Monument (we went to a lot of other memorials and monuments but I won't bore you with scenic shots)

Mom, me and dad's cousin's wife, Jessica and their baby, my newest cousin Ella!

Meeting my Great, Great Grandma Story (dad's Great Grandma)

Ella Grace Story...isn't she lovely!

Here's the connection, me, dad, dad's dad, dad's dad's mom, dad's dad's mom's mom...five generations!

Dad, me, Stevan, Ella and Great Great Grandma Story.

Hey! those are ours!!

I LOOOOVE my new friend (cousin) Tanner. He played with me all week and we had so much fun... he was one of the only one's who could get me laughing! That's my Great Grandma Sheets' sister Carolyn.

me and dad hiking though the trees down by the lake.

It was soooooo hot...Aunt Bethany and Mama Bea (everyone playing major chaos frisbee in the background)

me and Aunt Bethany

me and Mama Bea

me and Tanner spent a lot of time with our heads together!

new family, Ken and Robin Jewitt.

this was my bed all week. like my bug keep the bugs out.